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This makes palates twerk.

Words by Philipp Emde
August 26, 2021
A cheese dessert with peach halves, honey, peach juice and roasted walnuts on an orange carpet.

Steamed halloumi with peach and roasted walnuts.

You definitely have tried halloumi before. It’s the little fried cheese pieces you add to your kebab when you feel like pleasuring yourself. It’s famous for its squeaky texture and when the grilling season begins some advanced bbq lovers pull up with that white gold from Greece. But have you ever tried real handmade halloumi from Cyprus? Let us introduce you to your first real, 100% sheep’s milk halloumi and how you can combine this delicious beauty.

If you feel like a cheesy dessert then this will bring your final plate to the next level. With that peach booty topping on halloumi, you will make your friend's palates start twerking.

The first thing you do is roasting the walnuts in the oven at 100Β° for a good hour. This makes your kitchen smell like a nutty heaven.

Take your handmade halloumi out of the packaging and wash the salty lake off with some water. Then you steam that big boy for 20 minutes in a bamboo tray. If you don’t have that fancy equipment just wrap it in some tin foil. Poke some holes into the foil and put it over the edges of a pot with boiling water, so the steam gets to the cheese. But be cautious and don’t let your foil tray touch water.

While the halloumi is being steamed to become perfectly tender you have some time to make the glazing. Take a good gulp of the sweet juice from the pickled peach glass and mix it with some forest-flower honey in a pot. Heat it up gently and keep stirring. Let it get hot in there but don’t let it boil. After the peach juice is mixed well with the honey you can keep it at a low temperature.

Take the halloumi out of the tray after 20 minutes and unfold it. Yes - you read correctly, unlike an industrial product this one is not a white block it’s more like a folded circle of halloumi. Cut it in pieces so a half-pickled peach can perfectly sit on it. Take a peach and place it on a steamed halloumi piece. Take a good tablespoon of the glaze and let it run over the peach. For the final touch, crumble the roasted walnuts on top of it.

If you feel fancy put some elderflower on that delicious Cheese Gang style dessert. If you wonder what to drink, we would recommend you to have a sip of some dry white wine alongside it - enjoy.

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